10 BASIC EASY SKILLS MOVES TO USE IN A SOCCER/FOOTBALL MATCH-Soccer Pro Game Blogger: Got 10 skills by easily performed everyone at home can do them. We've been doing quite hard to the medium difficulty for a little while. So we're going to take it right back to easy skills, we're going to perform 10 to me in color going to have a goal, we're going to beat the ball, and then we're going to beat each other, we'll explain a little bit on how to do a lot of them will be self-explanatory. We'll try and show you what we can. And then we'll go from there. So let's get to it. Be sure to leave a like if you do enjoy this type of content. We only have the one camera right now cuz it's just main call today as it is and that one will bring up the other respiratory system that we need this.
For right now. We're just going to go into 10 skills that we're going to show us and I'll try to explain them as we go. Let's see, what have you got? What have you got? Well, we got our single step over. Nice and easy. Okay, a single step over a foot around the ball nice and low. And you beat your money the worst? Yes. So of course you've bought a dress, and we've gone there we're stepping off without yours again. we're stepping off with sound to beat the place and then we're going the other way. Okay. So let's go the other foot This time, we're going to go left blank and going out the right side okay, so gives an option have gone both ways the scope. So really good to go. Okay, I'll do the next one. Staff another quite easy one. And we've got our colors this one of the right-backs. As he goes he goes pretend to buy straight out okay. The emphasis on this one will come straight from the pretending to kiss the ball as we chop it. Okay, so as we're coming across the river tend to pick it forward.
And then we'll go on inside shows Amata the son, lovely. Okay. Project project. Yes, I'm I got out of cars approaching from the top. As it goes to pass the ball down line. That's when he goes inside. Okay, I forget the emphasis, Rob. We're gonna fly through this because we want to see how many we can get through I said, thanks for the might be a few more kind of going off the top of my head right now just skills that we're using again. I was going to show as no one has gotten his locker. It's called the cat cafe in lovely. Okay. This one I don't think I've ever done on my soccer pro game website. I won't lie. I'm gonna drop the shoulder and go out to reading Paul again. He's going to show it one more time. What's the way his foot moves? Do you see his foot come inside and outside and then back outside again? I'm going to give it a go as well. So I'll slow down just for you guys. Okay, so as he's approaching the court, what he's doing is he's going to go out in so that the player thinks the defender thinks that I'm going to take it inside, but then I'm letting my foot hover.
And then I'm taking it out once again. His approach and project brought him out. And then he goes away you see not been afraid. Oh, okay. Oh, my God. It's like God is approaching the project. And he's gone away. Okay, it's very, very nice. I like that one. I don't think I've ever done on my soccer pro game website . Okay, moving on. We're gonna do the LG because unfortunately, I was like, Oh, my God, just like it's not going to stop house I got another skill and God either forced me to go to practice on both feet. If one can be used on the spot as well keep the ball stuck in your face. And you're looking for a partner maybe downline is one of them, or playing the posture stuff. But also come to us and play dot net controller and we've gone out and got so it's quite windy, quite quite a desk because approaches. And I thought beautiful. Another variation. I'm going to pass the ball to Kelsey. I'm running to run into the car, flick around, get a buck and we've got the call center. Once we got the lock I don't even know it's been strike lovely. Okay, so fair drugs.
One of the most simple but effective skills and again, just like that Cutco one with it. I call shoulders approaching approaches. I've got two approaches. Go over the top like that. Sure. Again, cast. Practice on both feet. Step and drag over like that. Beautiful. I've gone against tough and I want to beat him down on his wrist and approach approach and enjoy the day and moving on to some five girls so far. we're gone. Number six. This isn't a very descriptive skill tutorial that I normally do. And I normally go into detail but sometimes I just like to smash a few skills out show you some very basic ones. You can kind of slow them down and break them as we go. Okay? So we're gonna go drug step older. Okay. Approaching approaching drugs, and God, just like that isn't the first thing we did the step over using the drugs. Because gonna show that now the drugs step out here we got a couple of ways you can do this, you can step over the uniform as well as approaching a project or going over to the foot. So there are two skills for the price of one, just drag. Lovely.
Okay, see, implemented both feet into one skill, I guess I'll always say 10 skills, there's going to be a few Marsha and Rochelle both here. So it's a direct step. And then a three-step, drag, step, drag step or fate. Look at this, the towel is going to show the skill now she's going to choose one of the strikes that was his own time Tell me Okay, I could have sworn is going to do the other one. But his face, his emphasis is dropping the shoulder. But the idea is to fill the emphasis on the first one comes from the step of apart. So as we're dragging it down, second over, we're stepping down to say the defender and then we're going out and then the one called your shoulders. As we're going to process the same way the force does the dragon over. We sell him by this time. And then we take the ball out. Okay. On the seventh, I was going to do it just once he got the cannon over. Okay, again, is two variations of the cannon. People tell me in the comment section that the content is called the Chromecast the Chromecast called the canon. Which one is it? Okay, there are two.
So the cutting is what college just don't hear his approach in language and he's got out what the Chromecast is what Kyle's gonna show right now. Such an approach in it taken across his body. Okay, that was a slow example, to see what he was doing when a foster should approach approach to their crushing body and around them like this. Okay. So we're kind of slapping it across our body to then push it forward. Okay, so it's like a slot, rather than a bang box. Okay, so I was gonna show the croaker just so you guys want to know. That's the croquet? Okay, the ticket crosses the body away from the defender's legs. Exactly. So coaches brought a great point of death. For defenders, the croquet will be more suited to you for a caucus. The cannon is more suited to kind of show you right now what we may propose a defender and I'm going to be president, okay, the policy is called him. And he has to use the croquet to get out of trouble. So as far as going in, is using it to get away from me. Okay, taking the ball right across. So the only thing I can do wasn't done is tackle in Fall fallen.
Okay, I will take him down because of the balls away from me too quick. I'll show you one more time. So if I took up by putting a winter coat, and I'm pressing him, he didn't take it away from me quite easily. So from a defender's point of view, that's a perfect skill. As an attacker, I'll do this one. Because I'm going to talk I need to explore that with that skill. Okay, I need to really get out. So the idea of it is a press, and I'm buying an animal, I'm gone. Just as simple as that. You can really fire out, no problem. Okay, so there are four skills for the price of two. I just showed you two variations of the step or the Greg step over, we showed you two variations of a kind of guess where we're going to put a turn in now. one my favorite term to use probably want to call off the Christ turn. So as we're approaching it, we're going to be turned out the other way. And we're turning up to the direction you'll see I put the yes in lovely just like that. So I put the yes in parenthesis is if I'm going to play the ball. Okay. So as again to hear I'm playing a very small loss. I'm taking it away. Surely can't go.
There we go. Beautiful. Beautiful. See, you want to do that with every turnout skill, okay, you don't want to not put any emphasis on you don't strike your legs. You want to do that with every turn-off still. Okay, you want to make sure that when you turn it out, there's a reason to, if I just approached like this, and I just did this, the defendants gonna know what I'm going to be doing. Okay, he's going to know that I want to turn up. Well, if I pretend I'm playing a path and I'm looking up directions, yes. Then you can sell them and get away just like that. So I've called approaches. See, I would be stretching out as a defender I would stretch out so we can't play that path. But then he sent me inside the end of the arch number nine. poster. Have you got it? Got it. Okay, lovely. Okay, very, very simple, but again, very useful if you do the right things at the right time. Just like what we saw for the crisis, everything needs a professional logo for your brand. In what we just said Mark was just one is off.
So his reporting will not just turn out. Yes. pulling it away with emphasis. Lovely and he's got they're still sharp attorneys as well. Okay, the longer you do the turn, the easier it's the defendant read if I really pull it back like this, it's going to be easy to read. But if I'm approaching protests and turn I'm gone the sharper you do it the better is for you attacking the Kawabata normally and he sent me Okay, needs to be shot like that does not charge you a bit independent. Okay, so we've done turn in skills who's going to talk in skills? I'm going to go back to when we did the dragon Okay, it's quite similar to we're going to do right now. So often in our body off and out. Okay, again, really good for defenders point of view and I'll show you that why in a second. Fortune right here for sure. Left. Yes. or open ourselves out. For the inside of our for Kazuma shores now, South cars approaching is opening for and getting himself aware.
So we're gonna put pressure on me, I'm a defender, I need to get out of the situation. I mean, the ball coming at me and he's personally I can open my body and get away like that. Okay, I was going to show us as well from the size dial protocol, this time the ball is going in and pressing him and he's opening his gun away. Okay, it gives you that little bit of security as a defender very similar to the L drag. also kind of similar to the croc.
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